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Emporia State University
Transfer Articulation
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AIB College of Business
ASA College
Abilene Christian Univ
Abraham Baldwin Agric College
Adams State University
Adirondack Community College
Aims Community College
Air University
Alabama State University
Alaska Pacific University
Albright College
Alcorn State University
Alexandria Technical College
Alfred University
Allan Hancock College
Allen Co Com Col
Alliant International Univ
Alpena Community College
Alvin Community College
Amarillo College
Amer Intercontinental-Bckhd
American Acad of Dramatic Arts
American Bankers Association
American Health Info Mgt Assoc
American InterContinental Univ
American Intercontinental Univ
American Public Univ System
American River College
American University
Anchorage Community College
Ancilla College
Anderson University-Indiana
Anderson University-S Carolina
Angelina College
Angelo State University
Anne Arundel Community College
Anoka Ramsey Community College
Antelope Valley College
Appalachian Bible College
Appalachian State University
Aquinas College
Arapahoe Community College
Argosy University
Arizona State University
Arizona Western College
Arkansas Baptist College
Arkansas State Univ - Beebe
Arkansas State University
Arkansas Tech University
Arlington Baptist College
Art Institute of Dallas
Art Institute of Houston
Art Institute of Pittsburgh
Art Instruction Schools
Asbury College
Asheville-Buncombe Tech Comm
Assumption College
Athens State College
Athens Technical College
Auburn University
Augsburg College
Augusta College
Augusta Technical College
Augustana College-Illinois
Augustana Univ-South Dakota
Aurora University
Austin Community College
Austin Peay State Univ
Avila University
Azusa Pacific University
Bacone College
Baker College - Clinton Twnshp
Baker College of Flint
Baker University
Bakersfield College
Ball State University
Baptist Bible College
Barry University
Barstow Community College
Barton County Comm College
Baruch College/CUNY
Bates Technical College
Baton Rouge Community Coll
Bauder Fashion College
Bay State College
Bay de Noc Community College
Baylor University
Bellevue Community College
Bellevue University
Belmont University
Beloit College
Bemidji State University
Benedictine College
Benedictine U at Springfield
Bergen Community College
Berkeley School
Berklee College of Music
Berkshire Community College
Berry College
Bethany College-Kansas
Bethany College-West Virginia
Bethany Lutheran College
Bethel College-Kansas
Bethel College-Minnesota
Bethel College-Tennessee
Bethune-Cookman College
Bevill State Comm Co
Big Bend Community College
Bishop College
Bishop State Junior College
Bismarck State College
Black Hawk College
Black Hills State University
Blackhawk Technical College
Blair Junior College
Blinn College
Blue Ridge Comm & Tech Coll
Blue Ridge Comm College-NC
Blue Ridge Comm College-VA
Blue River Community College
Bluefield State University
Bluegrass Comm & Tech College
Bluffton College
Boise State University
Borough of Manhattan Comm Coll
Bossier Parish Community Coll
Boston University
Bowie State University
Bowling Green State University
Bradley University
Brazosport College
Brenau University
Brevard College
Briar Cliff University
Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University-Idaho
Brookdale Community College
Brookhaven College
Brooklyn College
Broome Community College
Broward College
Brown Mackie College-Ks City
Brown Mackie College-Salina
Bryan College-Tennessee
Bryant & Stratton Bus Inst
Bryant & Stratton College
Bucknell University
Buena Vista College
Bunker Hill Community College
Burlington County Comm College
Butler Co Comm Coll
Butler University
Butte College
Ca State Univ, San Bernarino
Ca State Univ, Stanislaus
Ca Univ of Pennsylvania
Calhoun Community College
Calif College of the Arts
Calif Polytechnic State Un
Calif St Univ, Dominguez Hills
Calif State Univ, Bakersfield
Calif State Univ, Chico
Calif State Univ, Fresno
Calif State Univ, Fullerton
Calif State Univ, Long Beach
Calif State Univ, Northridge
Calif State Univ, Sacramento
Calif State University-Hayward
California Baptist University
California Coll For Health Sci
California Lutheran University
California State Polytechnic U
Calumet College
Calvary University
Calvin College
Camden County Collge
Cameron University
Campbell University
Campbellsville University
Canada College
Capella University
Capital University
Cardinal Stritch University
Carl Albert State College
Carl Sandburg College
Carleton College
Carrington College
Carroll College
Carson-Newman College
Carteret Community College
Carthage College
Case Western Reserve Universit
Casper College
Catawba College
Cayuga County Comm College
Cedar Valley College
Cedarville College
Centenary College of Louisiana
Central Arizona College
Central Bible College
Central Carolina Community Co
Central Christian College
Central College
Central Comm Co-Grand Island
Central Comm College-Columbus
Central Comm College-Hastings
Central Connecticut St Univ
Central Florida Comm Col
Central Georgia Tech College
Central Lakes College
Central Methodist University
Central Michigan University
Central New Mexico CC
Central Piedmont Comm Coll
Central Texas College
Central Washington University
Central Wyoming College
Centralia College
Centre College
Cerritos Community College
Cerro Cosso Community College
Chabot College
Chadron State College
Chaffey College
Chaminade Univ of Honolulu
Chandler-Gilbert Comm College
Chapman University
Charleston Southern University
Charter Oak College
Chattahoochee Technical Coll
Chattahoochee Valley Comm Co
Chattanooga St Tech Comm Coll
Chemeketa Community College
Chicago City Wide College
Chicago State University
Chipola College
Chowan College
Christendom College
Christopher Newport College
Cincinnati State Tech/Com Coll
Cisco College
Citrus College
City Co of Chicago Malcolm X
City College
City College of San Francisco
City University
Clackamas Community College
Clarendon College
Clarion Univ of Pennsylvania
Clark Atlanta University
Clark College
Clark University
Clarkson College
Clatsop Community Coll
Clayton State University
Clearwater Christian College
Clemson University
Cleveland Chirporactic - Kc
Cleveland State Comm College
Cleveland University - KC
Clinch Valley College
Clinton Community College
Cloud County Community College
Clovis Community College
Clovis Community College
Coahoma Junior College
Coastal Bend College
Coastal Carolina Comm College
Coastal Carolina University
Coastline College
Cochise College
Coe College
Coffeyville Community College
Colby Community College
College Level Exam Prog
College of Alameda
College of Charleston
College of Du Page
College of Eastern Utah
College of Emporia
College of Lake County
College of Marin
College of Mount St. Vincent
College of Saint Mary
College of San Mateo
College of Santa Fe
College of Southern Idaho
College of Southern Maryland
College of Southern Nevada
College of Staten Island
College of The Mainland
College of the Canyons
College of the Desert
College of the Ozarks
College of the Sequoias
Collin County Comm Col
Colorado Christian University
Colorado College
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado Mountain-Sprng Valley
Colorado Mountain-Timberline
Colorado Nwstrn Comm Coll
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State Univ
Colorado State Univ-Global Cam
Colorado State Univ-Pueblo
Colorado Tech Univ-Sioux Falls
Colorado Technical University
Columbia Basin Comm College
Columbia College-Hollywood
Columbia College-Illinois
Columbia College-Missouri
Columbia State Comm College
Columbia University
Columbus Coll of Art & Design
Columbus College
Columbus State Community Coll
Comm College of Allegheney Co
Comm College of Rhode Island
Community Coll of Philadelphia
Community Coll of the Air Forc
Community College of Aurora
Community College of Denver
Compton Community College
Conception Seminary College
Concordia College-Michigan
Concordia College-New York
Concordia Univ-California
Concordia University Wisconsin
Concordia University at Austin
Concordia University-Minnesota
Concordia University-Nebraska
Concordia University-Oregon
Connecticut College
Connors State College
Contra Costa College
Copper Mountain College
Coppin State University
Cornell College
Cornell University
Cornerstone College
Corning Community College
Cornish College of the Arts
Cossatot Technical College
Cosumnes River College
Cottey College
County College of Morris
Cowley County Comm Coll
Crafton Hills College
Craven Community College
Creighton University
Crowder College
Cuesta College
Culver-Stockton College
Cumberland County College
Cumberland University
Curry College
Cuyahoga Community College
Cuyamaca College
Cypress College
Dakota County Tech College
Dakota State University
Dakota Wesleyan University
Dallas Baptist University
Dallas College
Dalton State College
Dana College
Daniel Webster College
Danville Area Community Colleg
Davenport Univ-Grand Rapids
Davis & Elkins College
Davis College
Dawson College
Daytona Beach Comm Col
De Anza College
DeVry University - KC
DeVry University-Chicago
DeVry University-Long Beach
Deaconess College of Nursing
Dean College
Defense Language Institute
Del Mar College
Delaware State University
Delaware Tech & Comm Co-Terry
Delaware Tech & Community Coll
Delgado Community College
Delta College
Delta State University
Depaul University
Des Moines Area C. C.-Ankeny
Des Moines Area C. C.-Urban
Des Moines Area CC-Boone
Detroit College of Business
Devry Inst of Tech-Phoenix
Devry Instit of Tech-Decatur
Devry University
Devry University-Addison
Devry University-Colorado Sprg
Devry University-Denver
Diablo Valley College
Dickinson State College
Dine' College (Navajo Comm Co)
Doane University
Dodge City Community College
Dominican Universtiy
Donnelly College
Dordt College
Dr. Martin Luther College
Drake University
Drexel University
Drury University
Duke University
Duquesne University
Durham Technical Institute
Dutchess Community College
Earlham College
East Arkansas Comm College
East Carolina University
East Central College
East Central Community College
East Central University
East Los Angeles College
East Tennessee State Univ
East Texas State University
Eastern Arizona College
Eastern Florida St Coll-Cocoa
Eastern Gateway Comm College
Eastern Illinois University
Eastern Kentucky University
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Nazarene College
Eastern New Mexico University
Eastern Oklahoma State College
Eastern Oregon University
Eastern Washington University
Eastern Wyoming College
Eastfield College
Edinboro Univ of Pennsylvania
Edison State Community College
Edmonds Community College
El Camino College
El Paso Community College
Electronic Computer Prog Insti
Elgin Community College
Elizabeth City State Univ
Elizabethtown Comm College
Ellis University
Ellsworth Community College
Elon College
EmbryRiddle Aero Univ-Arizona
EmbryRiddle Aero Univ-Florida
Emmaus Bible College
Empire State College
Enterprise State Jr College
Erie Co College-Buffalo
Erie Co College-Orchard Park
Erie Co College-Williamsville
Estrella Mountain Comm Co
Estrn MO Law Enforcmnt Trng Ac
Esu Credit By Examination
Eureka College
Evangel University
Everett Community College
Evergreen State College
Excelsior College
Fairmont State College
Faith Baptist Bible College
Fashion Inst of Design & Merch
Fashion Institute of Technolog
Faulkner University
Fayetteville State University
Fayetteville Tech Comm College
Feather River College
Ferris State University
Ferrum College
Fisher College
Flathead Valley Community Coll
Flint Hills Technical College
Florida A&M University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida College
Florida Gateway College
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Inst of Technology
Florida Southern College
Florida Southwestern State Col
Florida State Co-Jacksonville
Florida State University
Fond du Lac Tribal & Comm Co
Fontbonne College
Foothill College
Fordham University
Forsyth Technical Comm Coll
Fort Hays State University
Fort Lewis College
Fort Scott Community College
Fort Valley State University
Framingham State College
Franciscan Univ of Steubenvill
Frank Phillips College
Franklin University
Frederick Community College
Free Will Baptist Bible Col
Fresno City College
Fresno Pacific University
Friends University
Front Range Community College
Frontier Community College
Frostburg State University
Fullerton College
Gadsden State Comm College
Gainesville College
Gallaudet University
Galveston College
Garden City Community College
Gaston College
Gateway Community College
Gateway Community College
Gateway Technical College
Gavilan College
General Motors Engin/Mgt Insti
Geneva College
George C Wallace St Com Col
George Mason University
George Washington Univ
Georgetown University
Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Highlands College
Georgia Institute of Technolog
Georgia Military College
Georgia Perimeter College
Georgia Southern University
Georgia State University
Germanna Community College
Glen Oaks Community College
Glendale Comm Co-California
Glendale Comm College-Arizona
Glenville State College
Golden West College
Gordon College
Goshen College
Governors State University
Grace University
Graceland University
Grambling State University
Grand Canyon University
Grand Rapids Community College
Grand Valley State Univ
Grand View University
Grays Harbor College
Grayson County College
Great Basin College
Great Falls College-MSU
Green River College
Greensboro College
Greenville College
Greenville Technical College
Grinnell College
Grossmont College
Grove City College
Gulf Coast State College
Hagerstown Junior College
Hamline University
Hampton University
Hannibal-Lagrange University
Hardin-Simmons University
Harding University
Harford Community College
Harold Washington College
Harris-Stowe State College
Harrisburg Area Comm College
Hartnell College
Harvard University
Haskell Indian Nations Univ
Hastings College
Hawaii Pacific University
Hawkeye Community College
Heartland Community College
Henderson State University
Hendrix College
Hennepin Tech Coll-Brooklyn
Henry Ford Community College
Herbert H Lehman College
Herkimer County Comm College
Hesston College
Highland Comm College-Kansas
Highland Community College
Highline College
Hill College
Hillsborough Community College
Hillsdale College
Hinds Community College
Hofstra University
Holmes Community College
Hood College
Hope College
Hopkinsville Community College
Houghton College
Houston Baptist University
Houston Community College
Howard College
Howard Community College
Howard Payne University
Hudson County Comm Co
Hudson Valley Comm Coll
Humboldt State University
Hunter College
Huntington University
Huston-Tillotson College
Hutchinson Community College
Idaho State University
Illinois Benedictine College
Illinois Central College
Illinois College
Illinois College of Optometry
Illinois Eastern CC-Olney
Illinois State University
Illinois Valley Comm College
Imperial Valley College
Independence Community College
Indian Hills CC-Centerville
Indian Hills Comm Co-Ottumwa
Indian River State College
Indiana State University
Indiana Tech
Indiana Univ at South Bend
Indiana Univ of Pennsylvania
Indiana Univ-Purdue Univ at In
Indiana University
Indiana University Northwest
Indiana University-Kokomo
Indiana Wesleyan University
Institute of Amer Indian Arts
Insurance Institute of America
International Baccalaureate
International PADI Inc.
Interntl Assoc of Admin Profes
Inver Hills Community Coll
Iona College
Iowa Central Comm College
Iowa Lakes Comm Co-Emmetsburg
Iowa Lakes Comm Co-Estherville
Iowa State University
Iowa Wesleyan College
Iowa Western Community College
Irvine Valley College
Islands Community College
Itasca Community College
Itawamba Community College
Ithaca College
Ivy Tech Comm Co of IN-East Cn
Ivy Tech Comm Co-Central Ind
Ivy Tech Comm Co-Columbus
Ivy Tech Comm Co-Lafayette
Ivy Tech Comm Co-Northcentral
Ivy Tech Comm Co-Wabash Valley
J Sargeant Reylonds Comm Co.
Jackson Community College
Jackson State Comm Col
Jackson State University
Jacksonville College
Jacksonville State Univ
Jacksonville University
James A Rhodes State College
James H. Faulkner State Juco
James Madison University
James Sprunt Community Co
Jamestown Community College
Jarvis Christian College
Jefferson College
Jefferson Community College
Jefferson Community College
Jefferson State Comm College
Jerrico, Inc
John A Logan College
John Brown University
John Jay Coll of Crim Justice
John Tyler Community College
John Wood Community College
Johnson & Wales University
Johnson Co Community College
Johnson State College
Joliet Junior College
Jones County Junior College
Jones International University
Judson College
Juniata College
Kalamazoo Valley Comm College
Kankakee Community College
Kansas City Art Institute
Kansas City Ks Comm Col
Kansas Law Enfrcmt Train Ctr
Kansas State Board of Nursing
Kansas State Dept of Education
Kansas State Univ - Salina
Kansas State University
Kansas Wesleyan University
Kaplan University-Iowa
Kaplan University-Nebraska
Kaskaskia College
Kauai Community College
Keiser Univ-Ft Lauderdale
Keiser University-Lakeland
Kellogg Community College
Kemper Military School & Coll
Kenai Peninsula Comm College
Kennedy-King College
Kennesaw State University
Kent State University
Keuka College
Kilgore College
Kilian Community College
King's College
Kingsborough Comm College
Kirkwood Community College
Kishwaukee College
Knox College
Kutztown University
Labette Community College
Lackawanna College
Lafayette College
Lake Forest College
Lake Land College-Illinois
Lake Michigan College
Lake Region State College
Lake Superior College
Lake Tahoe Community College
Lakeland Community College
Lakewood Community College
Lamar Community College
Lamar University
Lander University
Lane College
Lane Community College
Laney College
Langston University
Lansing Community College
Laramie County Comm Colleg
Laredo Community College
Las Positas Community College
Lassen College
Lawson State Community College
Lds Business College
Lee College
Lehigh Carbon Comm College
Lenoir Community College
Lesley University
Letourneau University
Lewis & Clark College
Lewis & Clark Comm Col
Lewis University
Lewis-Clark State College
Liberty University
Life Management Institute
Lincoln College
Lincoln Land Community College
Lincoln Trail College
Lincoln University-California
Lincoln University-Missouri
Lindenwood University
Linn-Benton Community College
Lipscomb University
Livingstone College
Lon Morris College
Lone Star College-CyFair
Lone Star College-Kingwood
Lone Star College-Montgomery
Lone Star College-North Harris
Lone Star College-Tomball
Lone Star College-Univers Park
Long Beach City College
Long Island Univ-Brooklyn
Longview Community College
Lorain County Community Colleg
Loras College
Los Angeles City College
Los Angeles Mission College
Los Angeles Pierce College
Los Angeles Southwest College
Los Angeles Trade-Tech College
Los Angeles Valley College
Los Medanos College
Louisburg College
Louisiana College
Louisiana St Univ Shreveport
Louisiana State Univ Eunice
Louisiana State Univ and A & M
Louisiana State University
Louisiana Tech University
Lower Columbia College
Loyola University
Loyola University Chicago
Lubbock Christian University
Lurleen B. Wallace Comm College
Luther College
Luzerne County Comm College
Lynn University
Lyon College - Arkansas
MCPHS University
MS Gulf Coast CC-Jackson
Macmurray College
Macomb Community College
Madison Area Technical Coll
Madonna University
Manchester College
Manchester Comm College
Manhattan Area Tech College
Manhattan Christian College
Manhattan College
Mansfield University of Penn
Maple Woods Community College
Marietta College
Marion Military Institute
Marshall University
Marshalltown Community College
Mary Holmes College
Mary Washington College
Marylhurst University
Marymount College
Marymount College
Marymount Manhattan College
Maryville College
Maryville University
Massasoit Community College
Maui Community College
McCook Community College
McHenry County College
McKendree College
McLennan Community College
McMurry University
McNeese State University
McPherson College
Medaille College
Merced College
Mercer County Comm College
Mercy College
Mercy College of Detroit
Mercyhurst College
Meridian Community College
Merritt College
Mesa Community College
Mesabi Community College
Methodist College
Metro CC-Business & Technology
Metropolitan Comm Col-Illinois
Metropolitan Comm Col-Nebraska
Metropolitan St Univ of Denver
Metropolitan State University
Miami Dade College
Miami University - Oxford
Miami-Jacobs Jr Coll of Busine
Michigan State University
Michigan Tech University
Mid South Community College
Mid-America Christian Univ
Mid-Continent University
Mid-Plains Community College
Midamerica Nazarene College
Middle Georgia State Univ
Middle Tennessee State Univ
Middlesex Community College
Middlesex County College
Midland College-Texas
Midland University-Nebraska
Midlands Technical College-SC
Midwestern Baptist Theological
Midwestern State Univ
Miles Community College
Millersville University
Millikin University
Milwaukee Area Tech Col
Milwaukee Inst of Art/Desi
Mineral Area College
Minneapolis Community College
Minnesota St Co SE-Winona
Minnesota St Univ-Moorhead
Minnesota State Comm & Tech Co
Minnesota State Univ - Mankato
Minnesota West Comm & Tech Col
Minot State University
Mira Costa College
Mission College
Mississippi County Comm Col
Mississippi State University
Mississippi Valley State Univ
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Southern State Univ
Missouri State Univ-West Plain
Missouri State University
Missouri Univ of Sci & Tech
Missouri Valley College
Missouri Western State Univ
Mitchell College
Moberly Area Comm College
Modesto Junior College
Mohave Community College
Mohawk Valley Community Coll
Monmouth College
Monmouth College
Monroe Community College
Monroe County Comm College
Montana State Univ-Billings
Montana State University
Montana Tech of The Univ of MT
Montcalm Community College
Monterey Peninsula College
Montgomery College-Rockville
Montgomery College-Takoma Park
Montgomery County Comm College
Montreat College
Moody Bible Institute
Moorpark College
Moraine Park Technical College
Moraine Valley Comm Col
Morehead State University
Morehouse College
Morgan Community College
Morgan State University
Morningside College
Morton College
Motlow State Community College
Mott Community College
Mount Hood Comm College
Mount Marty College
Mount Mercy University
Mount St. Scholastica College
Mount Wachusett Comm College
Mountain Empire Comm College
Mountain View College
Ms Gulf Coast CC-Jefferson
Ms Gulf Coast CC-Perkinston
Msdelta Junior Colleg
Mt. San Antonio College
Mt. San Jacinto College
Murray State College
Murray State University
Muscatine Comm College
Muskegon Community College
Naropa University
Nashville State Comm College
Nassau Community College
National American Univ-O.Park
National American Univ-Rapid C
National Emergency Training Ct
National League For Nursing
National Ponsi
National University
Naugatuck Valley Comm Co.
Navarro College
Ne Methodist Coll of Nurs
Ne Mississippi Junior Co
Nebraska College of Tech Agri
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Neosho County Comm College
Nevada State College
New Jersey City University
New Mexico Highlands Univ
New Mexico Junior College
New Mexico Military Institute
New Mexico State University
New York City Tech College
New York University
Newman Hospital Sch of Nursing
Newman University
Niagara University
Nicholls State Univ
Norfolk State University
Normandale Community College
North Arkansas College
North Carolina A&T State Univ
North Carolina Central Univ
North Carolina State Univ
North Carolina Wesleyan Coll
North Central College
North Central Ks Tech College
North Central Michigan Coll
North Central Missouri College
North Central State College
North Central Texas College
North Central University
North Dakota St Univ-Bottineau
North Dakota State Coll of Sci
North Dakota State Univ-Fargo
North Georgia College
North Hennepin Community Coll
North Idaho College
North Iowa Area Comm College
North Lake College
North Park College
North Seattle Comm Col
Northampton Community College
Northcentral Technical College
Northeast Alabama Comm Co
Northeast Community College
Northeast Lakeview College
Northeast Texas Community Coll
Northeast Wisconsin Tech Co
Northeastern Illinois Univ
Northeastern Junior College
Northeastern Oklahoma A & M Co
Northeastern State University
Northeastern University
Northern Arizona University
Northern Illinois University
Northern Maine Technical Coll
Northern Michigan University
Northern New Mexico Comm Coll
Northern Oklahoma College
Northern State University
Northern Virginia Comm College
Northern Wyoming Comm Coll
Northland College
Northland Community & Tech Co
Northwest College
Northwest College/Assem of God
Northwest Community College
Northwest Florida State Colleg
Northwest Iowa Comm College
Northwest Kansas Tech School
Northwest Missouri State Univ
Northwest Nazarene College
Northwest State Comm College
Northwest Vista College
Northwestern College
Northwestern Michigan College
Northwestern Oklahoma St Univ
Northwestern State University
Northwestern University
Northwood University of Texas
Norwalk Community College
Notre Dame College of Ohio
Nova Southeastern University
Nunez Community College
Nw Arkansas Comm College
Nw Mississippi Comm Coll
Oakland Community College
Oakland University
Oakton Community College
Oakwood University
Ocean County College
Oconee Fall Line Tech Coll
Odessa College
Oglethorpe University
Ohio State University
Ohio University
Ohio University-Chillicothe
Ohlone Community College
Oklahoma Baptist University
Oklahoma Christian Univ
Oklahoma City Community Colleg
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma Panhandle State Univ
Oklahoma State Univ Tech-Okmulgee
Oklahoma State Univ-OK City
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma Wesleyan University
Old Dominion University
Olivet Nazarene Univ
Olney Central College
Olympic College
Ononodoga Community College
Oral Roberts University
Orange Coast College
Orange County Comm College
Oregon Health Sciences Univ
Oregon Institute of Technology
Oregon State University
Otero College
Ottawa University
Ouachita Baptist University
Our Lady of the Lake College
Our Lady of the Lake Univ
Owens Community College
Oxnard College
Ozarks Technical Comm College
Pacific Lutheran University
Pacific Northwest Coll of Art
Pacific University
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Palm Beach State College
Palo Alto College
Palomar College
Panola College
Paradise Valley Comm College
Paris Junior College
Park University
Parker University
Parkland College
Pasadena City College
Pasco Hernando Comm College
Passaic County Comm College
Patrick Henry College
Patten University
Paul Quinn College
Peabody Institute Johns Hopkin
Peace College
Pearl River Community College
Pellissippi St Tech Comm Col
Penn Valley Community College
Pennsylvania State University
Pensacola State College
Pepperdine University
Peru State College
Philander Smith College
Phillips University
Phoenix College
Pierce College
Pikes Peak State College
Pima Community College
Pioneer Community College
Pitt Community College
Pittsburg State University
Point Loma Nazarene College
Polk State College
Portland Community College
Portland State University
Post University
Prairie State College
Prairie View A&M Univ
Pratt Community College
Presentation College
Prince George's Comm College
Principia College
Pueblo Community College
Pulaski Technical College
Purdue University Global
Purdue University-W. Lafayette
Queens College-City U of NY
Queensborough Comm College
Quincy Junior College
Quincy University
Quinsigamond Comm College
Rainy River Community College
Rancho Santiago Comm Coll Dist
Randolph College
Ranger College
Raritan Valley Community Coll
Rasmussen University
Reading Area Community Co.
Red Rocks Community College
Redlands Community College
Reed College
Reedley College
Regent University
Regis University
Rend Lake College
Renton Technical College
Rhodes College
Rice University
Richard Bland College
Richard J Daley College
Richland College
Richland Community College
Richmond Community College
Ricks College
Rider University
Ridgewater College
Rio Hondo College
Rio Salado Community College
Riverside City College
Roane State Community College
Robert Morris College
Rochester Comm & Tech College
Rochester Institute of Tech
Rock Valley College
Rockford College
Rockhurst University
Rockland Community College
Rocky Mountain College
Roger Williams Univ
Rogers State University
Rogue Community College
Roosevelt University
Rose State College
Rose-Hulman Inst of Tech
Rust College
Rutgers State University
S W OK State Univ-Weatherford
S Western OK State Univ-Sayre
Sacramento City College
Saddleback Community College
Saginaw Valley State Univ
Saint Joseph's College
Saint Leo University
Saint Louis University
Saint Mary of The Plains Colle
Saint Mary's College-Minnesota
Saint Mary's College/Madonna
Saint Mary's University
Saint Olaf College
Saint Paul Coll-Comm Tech Coll
Salem College
Salem State University
Salina Area Technical College
Salisbury State University
Salt Lake Community College
Sam Houston State University
San Antonio College
San Bernardino Valley College
San Diego Christian College
San Diego City College
San Diego Mesa College
San Diego Miramar College
San Diego State Univ
San Francisco State Univ
San Jacinto College
San Joaquin Delta College
San Jose City College
San Jose State University
San Juan College
Sandhills Community College
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Fe Comm College-Florida
Santa Fe Community College
Santa Monica College
Santa Rosa Junior College
Sauk Valley Community College
Savannah Col of Art & Desig
Schoolcraft College
Schreiner University
Scott Community College
Scottsdale Community College
Seattle Central Community Coll
Seattle Pacific University
Seminole State College
Seminole StateCollege-Oklahoma
Seward County Comm Col
Shaw University
Shawnee State University
Sheldon Jackson College
Shelton State Community Coll
Shepherd College
Shippensburg Univ of Penn
Shoreline Community College
Shorter College
Si Tanka Univ-Huron Univ
Sierra College
Silver Lake College
Simon's Rock of Bard College
Simpson College
Sinclair Community College
Skagit Valley College
Skyline College
Snow College
Solano Community College
Somerset Community College
Sonoma State University
South Central Coll-Faribault
South Central College-Mankato
South College Knoxville
South Dakota Sch of Mines/Tech
South Dakota State Univ
South Florida Comm College
South Georgia College
South Georgia Tech College
South Mountain Comm College
South Plains College
South Puget Sound Comm Coll
South Suburban College
South Texas College
South Texas Community College
South University - Savannah
Southeast Comm Co-Beatrice
Southeast Comm Co-Lincoln
Southeast Comm Co-Milford
Southeast Missouri State Univ
Southeastern C C-W Burlington
Southeastern Illinois College
Southeastern Louisiana Univ
Southeastern OK State Univ
Southern Adventist College
Southern Arkansas Univ Tech
Southern Arkansas University
Southern Connecticut St Univ
Southern Methodist University
Southern Nazarene University
Southern New Hampshire Univ
Southern Oregon University
Southern State Comm College
Southern Univ & A&M College
Southern Univ at New Orleans
Southern Utah University
Southern West Virginia Comm Co
Southside Virginia Comm Coll
Southwest Baptist Univ
Southwest Minnesota State Univ
Southwest Tennessee Comm Co
Southwest Texas Junior College
Southwest Wisconsin Tech Coll
Southwestern Christian Univ
Southwestern College
Southwestern College-Kansas
Southwestern Comm Co-Iowa
Southwestern Comm College-NC
Southwestern Illinois College
Southwestern Michigan College
Southwestern Oregon Comm Co
Southwestern Union College
Spokane Community College
Spokane Falls Comm College
Spoon River College
Spring Arbor University
Springfield College
St Bonaventure University
St Catharine College
St Charles Community College
St Cloud State University
St Co of Florida,Manatee-Saras
St Louis Com Col,Florissant Va
St Louis Com Coll, Forest Park
St Louis Com College, Meramec
St Louis Com College, Wildwood
St Mary's College of Maryland
St Norbert College
St Philip's College
St Univ NY Col Ag/Tech-Coblesk
St Univ NY Col at Brockport
St Univ NY Col at Buffalo
St Univ NY Col at Geneseo
St Univ NY Col at Oswego
St Univ NY Col at Plattsburgh
St Univ NY Col of Tech-Canton
St Univ NY Coll of Tech-Delhi
St Univ NY at Albany
St Univ NY at Binghamton
St Univ NY at Farmingdale
St Univ NY at Stony Brook
St Xavier College
St. Ambrose University
St. Cloud Tech & Comm Co
St. Edward's University
St. Gregory's University
St. John's College
St. Luke's School of Nursing
St. Mary-of-the-Woods College
St. Petersburg Co-Clearwater
St. PetersburgCo-St Petersburg
State Fair Community College
State Tech Inst at Memphis
State Technical College of MO
State Univ of West Georgia
Stephen F Austin State Univ
Stephens College
Sterling College
Stevens Henager College
Sthrn Illinois Univ at Carbo
Sthrn Illinois Univ-Edwardsv
Strayer University
Suffolk County Comm College
Suffolk University
Sul Ross State University
Summit Christian College
Surry Community College
Susquehanna University
Sussex County Comm Co.
Syracuse University
Tabor College
Tacoma Community College
Taft College
Talladega College
Tallahassee State College
Tarkio College
Tarleton State University
Tarrant County Co-Fort Worth
Tarrant County Co-Hurst
Temple College
Temple University
Tennessee State University
Tennessee Temple College
Terra State Comm College
Texarkana College
Texas A&M International Univ
Texas A&M Univ - Commerce
Texas A&M Univ-College Station
Texas A&M Univ-Corpus Christi
Texas A&M Univ-Galveston
Texas A&M Univ-Kingsville
Texas Christian University
Texas College
Texas Lutheran University
Texas Southern University
Texas Southmost College
Texas State Technical College
Texas State Technical Insti
Texas State Univ-San Marcos
Texas Tech University
Texas Wesleyan University
Texas Woman's University
Thames Valley State Tech Coll
The Art Institute of Seattle
The College Board (AP)
The College of New Jersey
The Comm Coll of Baltimore Co
The Masters College & Seminary
Thomas Edison State College
Thomas Nelson Comm Col
Three Rivers College
Tidewater Community College
Tiffin University
Toccoa Falls College
Tompkins Cortland Comm College
Topeka School of Medical Techn
Towson University
Trevecca Nazarene College
Tri-County Community College
Tri-County Technical College
Trident Technical College
Trinidad State Junior College
Trinity Bible College
Trinity Christian College
Trinity Co of Nursing & Health
Trinity Valley Community Coll
Triton College
Troy University-Albama
Truckee Meadows Comm College
Truett-Mcconnell College
Truman State University
Tulane University
Tulsa Community College
Tyler Junior College
U S Coast Guard Academy
U S Merchant Marine Academy
USA Military
Ulster County Comm College
Umpqua Community College
Union College
Union County College
United States Air Force Acad
United States Armed Forces Ins
United States Naval Academy
Univ of Alabama in Huntsville
Univ of Alaska, Southeast
Univ of Arizona Global Campus
Univ of Arkansas - Little Rock
Univ of Arkansas CC - Hope
Univ of Arkansas Fayetteville
Univ of Arkansas Pine Bluff
Univ of Arkansas at Monticello
Univ of Arkansas-Fort Smith
Univ of Ca, Los Angeles
Univ of Calif, Santa Barbara
Univ of California, Davis
Univ of California, Irvine
Univ of California, Riverside
Univ of California, San Diego
Univ of Central Missouri
Univ of Central Oklahoma
Univ of Colorado at Denver
Univ of Dallas
Univ of District of Columbia
Univ of Hawaii Leeward CC
Univ of Hawaii Windward Comm
Univ of Hawaii-Honolulu CC
Univ of Hawaii-Kapiolani CC
Univ of Illinois at Chicago
Univ of Illinois at Urbana
Univ of Louisiana at Monroe
Univ of Louisiana-Lafayette
Univ of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Univ of Maryland Global Campus
Univ of Maryland University Co
Univ of Maryland, College Park
Univ of Maryland-Eastern Shore
Univ of Mass - Amherst
Univ of Mass - Boston
Univ of Massachusetts Global
Univ of Massachusetts/Lowell
Univ of Michigan-Flint
Univ of Minnesota - Morris
Univ of Minnesota-Crookston
Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Univ of Missouri-Columbia
Univ of Missouri-Kansas City
Univ of Missouri-St Louis
Univ of N. Carolina-Chapel Hil
Univ of N. Carolina-Charlotte
Univ of N. Carolina-Greensboro
Univ of N. Carolina-Wilmington
Univ of Ne Medical Center
Univ of Nebraska at Kearney
Univ of Nebraska at Lincoln
Univ of Nebraska at Omaha
Univ of Nevada Las Vegas
Univ of North Dakota-Williston
Univ of NorthDakota-Grand Fork
Univ of Northern Colorado
Univ of S Carolina-Columbia
Univ of S Carolina-Spartenburg
Univ of Saint Mary-Leavenworth
Univ of San Francisco
Univ of Sci & Arts of Okla
Univ of Southern California
Univ of Southern Indiana
Univ of Southern Mississippi
Univ of Tennessee Southern
Univ of Tennessee at Martin
Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville
Univ of Tennessee-Chattanooga
Univ of Texas - San Antonio
Univ of Texas Rio Grande Valle
Univ of Texas at El Paso
Univ of Texas-Pan American
Univ of Texas-Permian Basin
Univ of WI - River Falls
Univ of WI - Stevens Poi
Univ of Washington Seattle
Univ of Wis Colleges-Marinette
Univ of Wis Colleges-Waukesha
Univ of WisColleges-WaukeshaCo
Univ of Wisconsin - Green Bay
Univ of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Univ of Wisconsin - Madison
Univ of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Univ of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
Univ of Wisconsin - Parkside
Univ of Wisconsin - Stout
Univ of Wisconsin - Superior
Univ of Wisconsin - Whitewater
Univ of Wisconsin College-Fox
Univ of Wisconsin-Barron Cnty
Univ of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Univ of the Incarnate Word
Univ of the State of New York
Univ of the Virgin Islands
University of Akron
University of Alabama
University of Alaska-Anchorage
University of Alaska-Fairbanks
University of Arizona
University of Central Arkansas
University of Charleston
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado
University of Colorado-Boulder
University of Connecticut
University of Delaware
University of Denver
University of Dubuque
University of Evansville
University of Findlay
University of Florida
University of Hawaii West Oahu
University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of Houston
University of Idaho
University of Iowa
University of Jamestown
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of La Verne
University of Louisville
University of Maine
University of Maine at Augusta
University of Mary
University of Memphis
University of Miami
University of Minnesota
University of Mississippi
University of Montana
University of Mount Olive
University of Nevada-Reno
University of New England
University of New Haven
University of New Mexico
University of New Orleans
University of North Alabama
University of North Texas
University of Northern Iowa
University of Oklahoma
University of Oregon
University of Phoenix
University of Pittsburg
University of Pittsburgh
University of Portland
University of Providence
University of Puerto Rico
University of Redlands
University of Rhode Island
University of Rio Grande
University of Saint Francis
University of Saint Francis
University of San Diego
University of Sioux Falls
University of South Alabama
University of South Dakota
University of South Florida
University of Southern Maine
University of Texas Arlington
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Dallas
University of Texas at Tyler
University of Toledo
University of Tulsa
University of Utah
University of Vermont
University of Virginia
University of West Florida
University of Wyoming
University of the Cumberlands
University of the Pacific
University of the South
Upper Iowa University
Urbana University
Utah State University
Utah Valley University
Va Polytech Inst & St Univ
Valdosta State University
Valencia College
Valley City State College
Valley Forge Military College
Valparaiso University
Vanderbilt University
Vanguard Univ of Sthrn Calif
Ventura College
Vermilion Community College
Vernon College
Victor Valley College
Victoria College
Villa Maria College
Vincennes University
Virginia Commonwealth Univ
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia State University
Virginia Wesleyan College
Virginia Western Comm Coll
Volunteer State Community Coll
WI Indianhead Tech Coll-Rice L
Wagner College
Wake Forest University
Wake Tech Community College
Waldorf University
Walla Walla College
Wallace State Comm College
Walsh University
Walters State Comm Col
Warner Pacific College
Warner University
Wartburg College
Washburn Inst of Technology
Washburn University
Washington State University
Washington University
Washtenaw Community College
Waubonsee Community College
Wayland Baptist Univ
Wayne Community College
Wayne County Comm College
Wayne State College
Wayne State University
Weatherford College
Weber State University
Webster University
Wellesley College
Wenatchee Valley College
Wentworth Institute of Tech
Wentworth Miltry Acad & Jr Co.
West Chester Univ of Penn
West Hills College
West Kentucky Comm & Tech Coll
West Los Angeles College
West Texas A & M University
West Valley College
West Virginia Inst of Techn
West Virginia State University
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Westchester Community College
Western Carolina University
Western Colorado University
Western Connecticut State Univ
Western Governors University
Western Illinois University
Western International Univ
Western Iowa Tech Comm College
Western Kentucky University
Western Nebraska Comm Coll
Western New Mexico University
Western Oklahoma State College
Western Oregon State Univ
Western Technical College
Western Texas College
Western Washington University
Western Wyoming Comm College
Westmar University
Westminster College
Westmoreland County Comm Coll
Westwood College
Wharton County Comm College
Whatcom Community College
Wheaton College
Whittier College
Whitworth College
Wichita State University
Wichita State University Tech
Wilbur Wright College
Wiley College
William Jewell College
William Paterson College
William Penn University
William Rainey Harper College
William Woods University
Williams Baptist College
Wingate College
Winona State University
Wittenberg University
Wofford College
Woodland Community College
Worcester Polytechnic Inst
Wright State University
Xavier University of Louisiana
Yakima Valley Comm College
Yavapai College
York College
York College
Young Harris College
Youngstown State University
Yuba College
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